
Anonymous Actions

Verifying Proofs On-Chain

We provide an on-chain starter kit to help you get started with World ID. We strongly recommend using this template repository to get started with World ID on-chain.

World ID proofs can be fully verified on-chain. After all, the source of truth for the decentralized protocol is on-chain. To verify a World ID proof, your smart contract will embed a call to the verifyProof method of the World ID contract, and then execute the rest of its logic as usual.

It can take 5-30 minutes for an identity commitment to be available on any given chain. This means that a user's proofs will not verify on-chain in this time after they have completed Phone Number or Orb verification. For more details visit the Protocol Internals page.

Supported Chains

ChainProduction AddressStaging Address
Polygon Mainnet
Mumbai Testnet
Ethereum logo Ethereum MainnetComing soonComing soon
Optimism logo OptimismComing soonComing soon


Note that calling the verifyProof function by itself does not provide sybil-resistance, or prevent proof reuse -- it just verifies that the proof is valid. To prevent sybil attacks, see the sybil-resistance section below.

The verifyProof method takes the following arguments:

  • root - The World ID root to verify against. This is obtained from the IDKit widget, and should just be passed as-is.
  • groupId - This must be 1 for Orb-verified users, and 0 for Phone-verified users. You may pass this dynamically based on a user's verification status, or you may hardcode it if you only want to allow one type of verification.
  • signal - The signal to verify. See the signal section below.
  • nullifierHash - Anonymous user ID. This is obtained from the IDKit widget, and should just be passed as-is.
  • action - The action to verify. See the action section below.
  • proof - The proof to verify. This is obtained from the IDKit widget, and should be unpacked into a uint256[8] before being passed to the method.

The proof argument is returned from IDKit as a string, but depending how you're calling your smart contract (when using ethers.js or wagmi, for example), you might be required to unpack it into a uint256[8] before passing it to the verifyProof method. To unpack it, use the following code:

import { defaultAbiCoder as abi } from '@ethers/utils'

const unpackedProof = abi.decode(['uint256[8]'], proof)[0]

The verifyProof method reverts if the proof is invalid, meaning you can just call it as part of your smart contract's logic and execute the rest of your logic after as usual.

Custom signals

Signals can be used to validate that a transaction has not been tampered with. By including other parameters your smart contract expects in the signal, you can ensure that the proof verification is only successful if those other parameters haven't been tampered with.

For example, a smart contract performing an airdrop might include the receiver address in the signal, while a contract allowing users to vote on a governance proposal might include the vote.

To get started, you'll need to pass the signal to the IDKit widget. You can do this with the signal prop:

import { solidityEncode } from '@worldcoin/idkit'

return (
		// ...
		signal={solidityEncode(['address'], [receiverAddress])}
		{/* ... */}

Then, in your smart contract, you abi.encodePacked the signal and call hashToField on it.

    // ...
    // ...

Custom actions

Actions are key to uniqueness on the World ID protocol. The same action will provide the same nullifierHash for the same user. By default, your action will be your app id, abi.encodePacked and hashed to field.

uint256 action = abi.encodePacked(appId).hashToField();

If you want to use a custom action, you can pass it to the IDKit widget with the action prop:

import { solidityEncode } from '@worldcoin/idkit'

return (
	<IDKitWidget app_id={appId} action={solidityEncode(['uint256'], [proposalId])}>
		{/* ... */}

Then, in your smart contract, you abi.encodePacked the action and call hashToField on it.

// we recommend memoizing the appId part on the constructor to save gas
uint256 action = abi.encodePacked(abi.encodePacked(appId).hashToField(), proposalId).hashToField();

To put together the two examples below, an application that lets users vote on governance proposals anonymously (but only lets them vote once) would add the proposal id to the action and the contents of the vote to the signal.


While the World ID protocol makes it very easy to make your contracts sybil-resistant, this takes a little more than just calling the verifyProof function. To make your contract sybil-resistant, you'll need to do the following:

  • Store the nullifierHash of each user that has successfully verified a proof.
  • When a user attempts to verify a proof, check that the nullifierHash is not already in the list of used nullifierHashes.

Here's an example function doing the above. You can also use the World ID starter kits to get started with sybil-resistance.

/// @param signal An arbitrary input from the user, usually the user's wallet address
/// @param root The root (returned by the IDKit widget).
/// @param nullifierHash The nullifier hash for this proof, preventing double signaling (returned by the IDKit widget).
/// @param proof The zero-knowledge proof that demonstrates the claimer is registered with World ID (returned by the IDKit widget).
function verifyAndExecute(
    address signal,
    uint256 root,
    uint256 nullifierHash,
    uint256[8] calldata proof
) public {
    // First, we make sure this person hasn't done this before
    if (nullifierHashes[nullifierHash]) revert InvalidNullifier();

    // We now verify the provided proof is valid and the user is verified by World ID
        1, // Or `0` if you want to check for phone verification only

    // We now record the user has done this, so they can't do it again (proof of uniqueness)
    nullifierHashes[nullifierHash] = true;

    // Finally, execute your logic here, for example issue a token, NFT, etc...